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Understanding Linked Posts

This release endeavours to improve understanding, and remove any inconsistencies around the visibility of posts linked to assessments.  


Aug 29, 2024

Supporting You to Develop a Better Understanding of Linked Posts! 

This release endeavours to improve understanding, and remove any inconsistencies around the visibility of posts linked to assessments.  

A linked post is invariably evidence shared for an assessment or a teacher comment relating to an assessment.  As the same assessment can be added to multiple pages, we have also considered that a post may be a teacher’s internal comment or it may be a general comment to be shared with caregivers or students.

With these considerations in mind the following rules have been applied:

  • A linked post will only be displayed on the assessment & page it was added to. This means that a teacher can write one comment on an internal page, and a different comment on a shared page for the same assessment. It also means that linked posts will not be displayed twice when an assessment is on multiple pages.
  • A linked post will become invisible to staff and caregivers if the assessment is removed from the page.
  • An assessment cannot be removed from a page if it contains linked posts without either unlinking the posts or contacting Hero Customer Support.

Understanding Linked Posts flame post

  • When Customer Support delete an assessment or remove it from a page, all linked posts will be either deleted or converted to General Posts (upon advice from the school).

For further information on deleting assessments, view the Help Article:

Deleting an Existing Assessment


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