Hero works smarter, delivering the information needed to inform teacher planning, monitor student progress, and report to parents in real-time.

Teacher’s time is too valuable to be spent wrangling administrative tasks and navigating app overload. Hero does the heavy lifting - add data just once, in one place.

The Hero software was created by educators, so we understand the unique time pressures under which teachers work. We designed Hero to be intuitive and easy to use, so that sharing learning with team members, families and students isn't a chore. Balance is restored, allowing teachers to focus on the most important thing - the students.

On the go

Student information is easily accessible at any time, from any location and on any device. Hero’s fully featured mobile app, with its simple navigation, provides flexibility for busy teachers - whether they are in the classroom, out in the playground, or on a school trip. Everything from taking the attendance, through to capturing learning on the fly with photo and video is made easy with Hero.

Rich reporting

Hero’s online, real-time reporting functionality serves to foster collaboration in the classroom, and strengthen partnerships between home and school. Accessing learning evidence through teacher posts enables caregivers to receive meaningful, up-to-date information about their children’s learning.

A clear picture

Build learning stories throughout students’ primary years! At the beginning of a school year, a new teacher can tap into a rich history of each student’s progress, achievements, passions, and what they are most proud of. This not only fosters positive relationships in the classroom, but allows for learning to transition seamlessly across years.


Primary School Deputy Principal

Primary School Teacher

Your classroom Hero! 

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