It’s a shared win and we’ll take it!

It’s a shared win and we’ll take it!

The ref was just about to blow full time on 2020, when we heard that we’d been picked for the A team of EdTech.

We're delighted to be recognised as one of HolonIQ’s Top 50 most promising EdTech startups in Australasia.

Having navigated 2020's turbulence with you, our Heroic partners, we are reminded of how important it is to celebrate our wins collectively - and to stand atop our educational rooftops and shout about it.

HolonIQ's judges assessed 750+ Australasian EdTech companies on five critical areas of business: Market, Product, Team, Capital, and Momentum. From this review process, which also identified leading innovation and collaborative work with schools, HolonIQ named the Top 50 most promising startups. LINC-ED Hero gained recognition in the Learning Environments category - the only New Zealand based company to do so.

Fundamentally, the results reiterate what we already know: Heroic things happen when you create through empathy and collaboration, by sharing an innovative vision, underpinned with good old fashioned hard work.

A win for one is a win for all.

We’re pretty chuffed to be forging our path through the EdTech landscape, along with you - our team of Heroes. Turning our laser-focused vision to the horizon of 2021, we look forward to the new heights that we will reach together.

For more on HolonIQ and their Australia - New Zealand EdTech 50 review, view the full article here

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