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Reporting Assessments in Alternative Timeframes | Hero Changelog

Written by Hero | Sep 20, 2023 3:00:00 AM
We recognise that different schools have different assessment reporting needs.
Up until now, all assessments have been reported to staff and caregivers in terms. To provide schools with more flexibility, we have introduced two new assessment reporting options:
Alternative Timeframe
Set by the school, the alternative timeframe can be bi-annual, tri-annual or any preferred option that works for your school's unique context.
Additional Viewing Options
Timeframes are set per assessment and, in true Hero fashion, we've extended the options so you can:
  • Prevent showing assessments to caregivers if no data is present
  • Decide how many columns to show caregivers and students
  • Decide how many columns to show to staff
A hard refresh is required to view the full results.
  • Shift-F5 for a PC
  • Cmd-Shift-R for a MAC
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