Hero Flame Updates

A Super Spring Clean! | Hero Changelog

Written by Hero | Sep 20, 2023 3:00:00 AM
Spring is here, and we've taken a moment to tidy some areas of Hero:
  • Pinned Posts that appeared on 'Older Posts' pages now successfully pin to the top.
  • List Builder report 'Caregiver Financial Viewing' is back to showing caregivers with financial access.
  • For non-MoE schools, the Destination school will now show in List Builder reports.
  • Groups > All Posts will again show the name of the post proof-reader. Note: this will not backfill those currently missing.
  • Deleted posts no longer prevent notifications being displayed to staff and caregivers.
Along with these, we have given a spruce to recent releases:
A hard refresh is required to view the full results.
  • Shift-F5 for a PC
  • Cmd-Shift-R for a MAC
Student Name Added to Sickbay Notifications!
Teachers can now instantly see which student has been admitted to the Sickbay, with the addition of the student's name to Sickbay notifications.
Note: As the notification stems from the post title, the name will also appear on the created post.
'Reason for Absence' Made Mandatory for all Options when Caregivers Utilise Hero's 'Report an Absence' Feature
(Premier package only)
Attendance tracking is a key priority for schools, so to better support this focus, we've extended the mandatory 'Reason for Absence' to sick and late.
Unexplained Absence Alerts
(New South Wales Schools Only)
To assist with required attendance tracking, teachers will receive automatic alerts when a student absence has been unexplained for a designated number of days.
View the article below for more information on this new feature:
Create a Group from a List Builder Selection
We've extended your ability to create groups even further.
You can now create a group from any List Builder student selection.